Tucows五星推荐的Aston是一个容易使用、执行速度快的Winsdows外壳,他不需要高速的电脑硬件,执行起来也非常稳定,对于内存及系统资源的需求较少,让电脑系统能够有更好的性能表现. Aston是一套新的桌面处理器,可以取代Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista预设的shell,提供您全新的感受,还有很多新的功能,还有不同的布景主题可以更换,只要您在右栏隐藏式图标区中的shell swapper就可再切回Windows预设的shell,让您能随时换口味...
What's new:
+ Recyсle bin plug-in is re-written anew
+ Icons can now be deleted from the desktop to the recycle bin
+ New AltDesk control plug-in is added into the distributives
+ "Run as..." option is added to the context menus
* Fixed bug with shell swapping
* Fixed bug with the themes application.
* Fixed bug with installation in Windows Vista
* Fixed bug with the context menu items under Windows Vista
* Fixed bug in Search plug-in
* Fixed bug with the icons displaying in the tray.
Warning: this release candidate version is not intended to replace Aston 1.9.4 for Desktop users and must only be used for testing purposes.
http://www.astonshell.com v1.9.5 RC 官方下载:
http://www.astonshell.com/betas/Aston.1.9.5RC.exe v1.9.4 Final 官方下载:
http://www.astonshell.com/files/Aston.exe Themes:(很漂亮哟,去看看吧。。。)
http://themes.astonshell.com/ Plugins:
http://themes.astonshell.com/plugins/ “风中决斗”汉化补丁: