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er 该驱动器不支持/8参数  
Insufficient memory to load system files 没有足够的内存装入系统文件  
Insufficient memory. 内存不足  
Calculating free space (this may take several minutes)... 正在统计磁盘空间(可能要花上几分钟时间)


提示信息 说    明  
Delete Primary DOS Partition 删除主DOS分区  
Delete Extended DOS Partition 删除扩展DOS分区  
Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition 删除逻辑DOS分区  
WARNING! Data in the deleted Primary DOS Partition will be lost 警告:主DOS分区的数据将全部丢失  
WARNING! Data in the deleted Extended DOS Partition will be lost. Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? 警告:扩展分区中的数据将全部丢失,你真的继续吗  
Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition 删除扩展分区下的逻辑分区  
WARNING! Data in a deleted Logical DOS Drive will be lost What drive do you want to delete? Are you sure (Y/N)? 警告:逻辑分区中的所有数据都将丢失,你删除哪个驱动器?你真的确定吗  
Display Partition Information 显示分区内容信息  
The Extended DOS Partition contains Logical DOS Drives. 扩展DOS分区中包含DOS逻辑分区  
Do you want to display the logical drive information (Y/N)? 你想显示逻辑分区的信息吗  
Display Logical DOS Drive Information 显示逻辑分区信息 &n

本文来源:赛迪网 作者:赛迪网

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