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cisco6509 CatOS 转为Native IOS过程

  引擎:WS-SUP720-3B 主备各一块
  线路卡:WS-X6148X2-45AF 五块。
  Cisco CompactFlash Memory Card, 128 MB 2块。
  该设备原为cisco ios模式,但因当时IOS不支持WS-X6148X2-45AF 线路卡所以采用CatOS模式以支持上述线路卡,后思科推出支持的IOS版本s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF.bin,客户要求再次改为IOS版本。此两块 CompactFlash Memory Card曾在原IOS模式下格式化过,在此次升级过程中两种模式下(catos和IOS)竟都能写入。以下为升级过程:
  1.首先将备份引擎拔下(支持热插拔),在catOS下将IOS映象文件拷入CompactFlash Memory Card 中。因IOS大小为70多兆所以用TFTP无法传也不可靠,所以用FTP传输,输入set ftp username;set ftp password 设置好调用的FTP用户名和密码。执行:

  SWITCH_1> (enable) copy ftp disk0:
  IP address or name of remote host <>?
  Username for ftp?
  Password for User ftp<>:
  Name of file to copy from ? s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF.bin
  127893504 bytes available on device disk0, proceed (y/n) ? y
  Loading s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF.bin
  File disk0:s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF.bin checksum verified and is Ok.
  File has been copied successfully.
  SWITCH_1> (enable) dir disk0:
  2 -rw- 76599844 Sep 17 2005 09:52:11 s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF.bin
  51290112 bytes available (76603392 bytes used)

  SWITCH_1> (enable) sh boot
  BOOT variable = bootflash:cat6000-sup720cvk8.8-4-3.bin,1;
  CONFIG_FILE variable = bootflash:switch.cfg
  Configuration register is 0x2102
  ignore-config: disabled
  auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled
  ROMMON console baud: 9600
  boot: image specified by the boot system commands
  Image auto sync is enabled
  Image auto sync timer is 120 seconds

  SWITCH_1> (enable) set boot config-register 0x0
  Configuration register is 0x0
  ignore-config: disabled
  auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled
  ROMMON console baud: 9600
  boot: the ROM monitor

  SWITCH_1> (enable) sh boot
  BOOT variable = bootflash:cat6000-sup720cvk8.8-4-3.bin,1;
  CONFIG_FILE variable = bootflash:switch.cfg
  Configuration register is 0x0
  ignore-config: disabled
  auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled
  ROMMON console baud: 9600
  boot: the ROM monitor
  Image auto sync is enabled
  Image auto sync timer is 120 seconds
  SWITCH_1> (enable) reset

本文来源:天下网吧 作者:网吧方案
