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免费得优化清理软件Platinum Guard

    Platinum Guard这款软件类似于ccleaner,具有清理系统垃圾文件和临时文件,优化计算机性能,管理程序等功能…原本售价不菲!现在Softpedia.com搞了一个免费活动,可以获得免费全功能版本的Platinum Guard。需要一款优化清理软件的朋友不妨一起来看看吧!

  Platinum Guard介绍

(图:1 Platinum Guard)

  Platinum Guard helps you remove unwanted temporary and unused junk files from your system, allowing your computer to perform better and run faster while also freeing up valuable hard disk space.

  Popular software products such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and Windows Media Player store sensitive information related to your usage.

  These data files sometimes reveal information such as recent files that you have opened, recent video clips that you have watched, websites you have visited, and pictures you have viewed online. Anyone with a little advanced computer knowledge can turn these files into human understandable information and compromise your personal privacy.

  But with Platinum Guard installed, you don't have to worry any longer! With just one click of a button, Platinum Guard takes care of erasing your tracks, allowing you to use your personal computer peacefully again knowing that your privacy is now secured.

  Platinum Guard帮助您从系统中删除不必要的临时和未使用的垃圾文件,如Internet Explorer,Firefox,Opera,谷歌Chrome浏览器和Windows媒体播放器存储流行的软件产品相关的敏感信息让您的计算机更好执行,运行速度更快,同时也节省了宝贵的硬盘空间。


  但如果安装了Platinum Guard,您就不必再担心!只需按一下按钮,Platinum Guard就会擦掉你的跟踪服务信息,让您安全地使用您的个人电脑,保护您的隐私安全。

  Platinum Guard信息

(图:2 Platinum Guard软件信息)

  Platinum Guard下载

  Platinum Guard for Softpedia.com 免费版:点此下载


  为什么Platinum Guard要免费

(图:3 Platinum Guard为何免费)

  Giveaway Offer In Collaboration With Softpedia.com

  No Registration Required, No Hidden Costs, No Third-Party Software Bundles.



  Featured Benefits特色优势


  Improve your computer's performance by getting rid of junk and temporary files that clog the system.

  Recover the valuable free hard disk space that otherwise would have been occupied by junk and temporary files.

  Completely clear your tracks to render invisible your recent activity on your personal computer.

  Compatible with all the latest popular web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome.




  兼容所有最新流行的浏览器包括Internet Explorer,Firefox,Opera,和Google Chrome。

  Platinum Guard系统要求、软件授权、更新日期及程序大小

(图:5 Platinum Guard软件授权)

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本文来源:华军软件园测评中心 作者:帕拉丁

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