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  AVG Antivirus Professional 9.0 Build 704a1756都有哪些更新?

    ·核心:对未来的Virut修改增加了检测。     ·核心:修复HTML文件解析不当可能造成的可能警钟误鸣。     ·核心:修复破碎的数字签名的报告正确签名的文件。     ·防火墙:改进AVG防火墙从版本8.5配置最新的AVG 9.0。     ·防火墙:固定可能的联系挂断的问题。     ·防火墙:在AVG防火墙配置过滤详情,人性化的名称。     ·展望:修正反垃圾邮件工具栏按钮可能造成的崩溃。     ·安全搜索:改进了已知的恶意网站的某些类型的封锁。     ·安全搜索:增加了对雅虎日文版的支持!     ·设置管理器:固定的设置管理器可能冻结的问题。     ·设置管理器:固定通过代理下载安装包有问题。     ·设置管理器:固定解析与设置管理空格字符的问题。     ·设置管理:新增居民储蓄的安全盾牌设置在编辑*. pck文件选项,即使当RS不活跃的时候。     ·更新:修复从Opera浏览器的代理检测10个问题。      What's new in AVG Internet Security 9.0 Build 716a1803:     · Anti-Spam: Changed Anti-Spam configuration for detection enhancement.     · Anti-Spam: Fixed problem with Anti-Spam rules update.     · AvgSys: Fixed problem with removing of registry infection on x64 Windows systems.     · Core: Detection of the next modification of Virut has been added.     · Core: Detection of new modification of SWIZZOR has been added.     · Core: Fixed problem with reporting broken digital signature on correctly signed files.     · Core: Fixed possible crash while verifying digital signatures on big files.     · Core: Fixed occasional false alarms on JavaScript files.     · EMS Exchange: Fixed handling of detections in MS Exchange 2007 plug-ins.     · Firewall: Improved AVG Firewall standalone profile configuration import from version 8.5 to AVG 9.0.     · Firewall: Fixed problem with Firewall reporting a driver communication error when rules for detached USB drives were used.     · Firewall: Fixed problem with Firewall error state after TrustedDB update.     · Kernel: Cookie detection has been disabled by default in computer scan.     · Safe Search: SearchShield support for Firefox 3.6.     · Safe Search: Fixed possible crash of IE8 caused by Safe Search component.     · Safe Search: Improve notification to user when a suspected phishing site is detected.     · User Interface: Fixed freezing in License component when Shift+Tab is used.     · User Interface: Fixed problem with repeated opening of popup dialogs if content is missing.     · User Interface: Improved detection of fullscreen applications and gaming mode while displaying pop-up messages to prevent focus loss.      AVG Internet Security 9.0 Build都有哪些更新?9 7 3 1 2 3 4 8 :

本文来源:华军资讯 作者:帕拉丁

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