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    AVG 杀软界属于耳熟能详的名称,来自捷克、07年全球顶级杀毒软件排行第八、在欧美家喻户晓的杀毒软件。极致安全,完美防护。针对因特网上传播的新一代安全威胁的有效解决方案。现如今,AVG旗下的AVG Internet Security 9.0 Build及AVG Antivirus Professional 9.0均发布更新,我们不妨一起来了解一下!      AVG相关信息

(图:1 AVG信息)

    AVG Anti-Virus:功能上相当完整,可即时对任何存取文件侦测,防止电脑病毒感染;可对电子邮件和附加文件进行扫瞄,防止电脑病毒透过电子邮件和附加文件传播;病毒资料库里面则记录了一些电脑病毒的特性和发作日期等相关资讯;开机保护可在电脑开机时侦测开机型病毒,防止开机型病毒感染。在扫毒方面,可扫瞄磁碟片、硬盘、光盘机外,也可对网络磁碟进行扫瞄。在扫瞄时也可只对磁碟片、硬盘、光盘机上的某个目录进行扫瞄。可扫瞄文件型病毒、巨集病毒、压缩文件(支持ZIP、ARJ、RAR等压缩文件即时解压缩扫描)。在扫瞄时如发现文件感染病毒时会将感染病毒的文件隔离至AVGVirusVauIt,待扫瞄完成后在一并解毒。支持在线升级。

(图:2 AVG Anti-Virus 9.0软件信息)

    AVG Internet Security提供针对网络威胁的全方位防护,包括病毒,蠕虫,间谍软件,木马,黑客入侵,广告和垃圾邮件等。

(图:3 AVG Internet Security软件信息)

  AVG下载     AVG官方:点此进入     华军下载     AVG Anti-Virus Professional 9.0:点此下载     AVG Internet Security 9.0:点此下载      程序界面      AVG Anti-Virus Professional 9.0

(图:4 AVG Anti-Virus9.0界面)

  AVG Internet Security 9.0

(图:5 AVG Internet Security9.0界面)

  AVG更新内容      What's new in AVG Antivirus Professional 9.0 Build 704a1756:     · Core: Detection of the next modification of Virut has been added.     · Core: Fixed possible false alarm caused by improper parsing of html files.     · Core: Fixed report of broken digital signature on correctly signed files.     · Firewall: Improved AVG Firewall configuration import from version 8.5 to AVG 9.0.     · Firewall: Fixed problem with possible connection hang-ups.     · Firewall: Filtering details in AVG Firewall configuration has human readable names.     · Outlook: Fixed possible crash after clicking on a button in the AntiSpam toolbar.     · Safe Search: Improved blocking of certain types of known malicious web sites.     · Safe Search: Added support for Japanese version of Yahoo!     · Settings Manager: Fixed problem with possible freeze of Settings manager.     · Settings Manager: Fixed problem with downloading installation package through proxy.     · Settings Manager: Fixed problem with parsing cmd line with space characters in Settings manager cmd utility.     · Settings Manager: Added option of saving Resident Shield settings when editing *.pck file even when RS is not active.     · Update: Fixed problem with proxy detection from Opera 10 browser.9 7 3 1 2 3 4 8 :

本文来源:华军资讯 作者:帕拉丁

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