ore we start on the unconfirmed, changes there has been a few updates from Blizzard since the last episode of this feature was released. This is just a few points, and the source quotes are available on the third page of this article:
- Battle.net 2.0 is the current focus.
- Battle.net 2.0 has its own little team, working with both SC2 and D3 devs.
- Upgrading a WoW account to a Blizzard Account will gain you an ingame WoW baby penguin.
- StarCraft II replays will have much more info available in them that will include more detailed stat tracking, as well as other useful eSports related features.
- Battle.net 2.0 'next level' is social networking (BattleFacebook/BattleSpace?).
- They planned social features like Steam has before they even added it.
- Cheating will be handled excellently.
- Blizzard is hiring a Battle.net User Experience Director.
If you are interested in any of the above topics, head over to page three and revel in all the blue posts.
Most Likely Battle.net 2.0 Features
Regardless of your trust in rumours, we will apparently be "blown away" by Battle.net 2.0 and this would mean a great deal more than just the features listed in "Definite Battle.net 2.0 Features"! Some rumours about Blizzard games are true even if fans discount them; as a Blizzard contact told me, the "screenshot-or-it-didn't-happen" mentality has helped Blizzard cover up minor leaks many times before. With that in mind, we'll probably see:
Excellent Matchmaking
While many RTS players like the AMM system of WarCraft III, we will be seeing matchmaking quality AI at LEAST to that level for RTS games in Battle.net 2.0, and probably a lot better, as some are not happy with AMM at all... In terms of StarCraft II, it means finding opponents that are on your skill level, finding whole teams to play against or perhaps like-minded "custom" game players. As DotA-Allstars will be available for StarCraft II, and Blizzard have realised that the community can make some really astoundingly popular game types themselves, there will probably be special functionality for all types of custom games. For Diablo III, it's more about keeping a level/gear balance, and all their work on WoW PvP matchmaking should have helped them with that! A given factor for any game is of course matching players who have the best ping with each other, as none likes to lag behind everyone else. Lightning quick servers should make sure that don't happen.
Broadcasting Games
Especially for StarCraft II, Blizzard have promised good eSport support. While the current focus on D3 is on cooperative play and single player[//url], it is highly likely that we will see "arena" type fights for D3, with proper [url=http://www.starcraftwire.net/wiki/eSport]eSport focus. There are primarily two ways to do this, either broadcasting inside the game, or broadcasting on the web.