(图:1 DiskRescue)
Data fragmentation is an invisible, but harmful, threat that erodes the performance of you PC from within. Unless checked disk fragmentation is largely inevitable, nonetheless it is also slowly incremental, meaning that you may not even notice the gradual degradation of the performance of your machine. However, over time and if left unfixed, disk defragmentation will contribute to a significant loss of disk performance and an overall slowing of your PCs speed. The Solution DiskRescue comes to save your system from the harmful effects of disk fragmentation. DiskRescue is an easy-to-use and effective solution to the fragmentation of your HDD. Able to run on command, or launch defrags proactively when scheduled, DiskRescue fixes your disk fragmentation problems leaving you free to enjoy improved performance
(图:2 DiskRescue 2009软件信息)
数据碎片是一种无形的,有害的,有威胁,侵蚀了你个人电脑的性能!主要是不可避免,它会慢慢增加。除非您检查磁盘碎片,否则您不可能注意到了您的机器性能逐渐退化。 然而,随着时间的推移,如果没有修复,磁盘碎片将导致磁盘性能的重大损失,导致电脑运行速度整体放缓。DiskRescue可以将你的电脑从磁盘碎片的危害中拯救出来。 DiskRescue是一个易于使用的软件,可有效地解决您的硬盘碎片。能够运行此命令:积极主动地安排碎片整理,,DiskRescue修复您的磁盘碎片的问题,让你免费享受更好的性能。 DiskRescue申请及下载 DiskRescue 2009官方:点此进入 DiskRescue免费全功能版申请流程 在Softpedia.com网站的此处进入DiskRescue官方活动地址:点此进入
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DiskRescue部分功能截图 "Uniblue DiskRescue 2009 allows you to defragment your hard drive." Uniblue DiskRescue 2009整理你的硬盘驱动器。
"Uniblue DiskRescue 2009 will display a comprehensive scan log." Uniblue DiskRescue 2009将显示一个全面扫描日志
"Uniblue DiskRescue 2009 allows you to schedule your defrag sessions." Uniblue DiskRescue 2009允许您安排您整理的计划 9 7 3 1 2 4 8 :