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魔兽:为保障副本 服务器副本数量设定创建上限





To ensure stable and positive performance in raid and dungeon instances, an instance performance balancing feature was implemented which limits the total number of instances that can be created on a realm. Prior to this change, we were seeing serious issues in instances which greatly degraded instance performance, and in some cases, caused them to crash entirely.

This update instituted a load check that limited opening of additional instances. This will result in throttling of some instance creation where users receive the following message: "Additional instances could not be launched. Please, try again later." Ultimately, we felt that some wait time for players attempting to create a new instance was better than causing bad performance for all players in instances.

We are continually monitoring the realms affected by this, and use the data we gather to implement further optimisations. Our ultimate goal is to work toward the removal of the limit.

本文来源:NGA 作者:佚名

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