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德国系统调整工具:TuneUp Utilities 2007

TuneUp Utilities 2007 (德语)

  来自德国的系统调整工具的最新版,它能够让你的系统跑的更顺畅.TuneUp Utilities 的功能应有尽有,主要工具包括:系统改造/分析、硬盘/登录文件清理、系统加速、记忆体最佳化、登录文件编辑、软件卸载、工作管理员、文件还原/清理.

TuneUp Utilities 2007 (Language: Germany)


Find out how easy and effective Windows tuning can be with the test winner! TuneUp Utilities 2006 lets you make your system faster, more comfortable and more secure in a matter of minutes.

The complete package combines all important functions for system optimization, configuration, cleanup and maintenance in a modern graphical user interface.


* NEW! Completely redesigned interface
* NEW! Corrects up to 400% more errors
* NEW! Configures and optimizes Mozilla Firefox
* NEW! Customize icons, the window style and the boot and welcome screens under Windows XP
* IMPROVED! Automatically scans your system for settings that might be slowing it down and corrects them
* IMPROVED! Lets you take control of the system start process
* Lets you control the look and feel of the Windows interface
* Deletes sensitive data permanently
* Removes unneeded ballast from your disks
* Defragments the Windows registry
* Restores accidentally deleted files
* Speeds up your Internet connection
* Frees up system memory (RAM)

下载:TuneUp Utilities 2007

本文来源:CB 作者:oldforman楠

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