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暗黑破坏神3 官方透露游戏故事情节


暗黑破坏神3 官方透露游戏故事情节



How will lore be handled and presented in Diablo 3?



What an open ended question... well, a lot of different ways. For one your character will be able to speak, and that's pretty huge actually for storytelling purposes. Also we have the 'audio book' system, that was shown off at BlizzCon in limited form (see next answer). Aside from that, all the usual stuff but in greater quantity. NPC speech, dialogue, events, bosses, quests, etc. etc. There's a lot more going on.



Will there be individual items scattered around the game world that can be read or listened to for back story, or will it be in one consolidated location?



Yes there are books that drop somewhat randomly that when picked up can be listened to. I say somewhat randomly because they should make sense contextually. Leoric's Journal should be dropping in the same dungeon where you fight his undead corpse, and not somewhere else that doesn't make sense. They're fully voice acted lore treasures essentially. Think Bioshock tapes.

对的,有些书会随机掉落,当你捡起他们的时候,你就可以听了。我所说的随机是指他们根据情节掉落的。例如说,骷髅王里奥瑞克的日记会在你杀死他不死身体的那个地牢里掉落,而不是在任何一个和这本日记没有关联的地方。这些书籍事实上是引导了故事的情节,是很珍贵的。可以参照考 undefined undefined undefined undefined 生化奇兵 undefined undefined undefined undefined 里面的录音.


Considering Diablo 3 is a fast-paced game, how much lore is the Blizzard team planning to put in? Will we get a detailed recounting of past events, or a surface recollection?



A lot. Well, as much as we can. But we're making sure it's all as "opt-in" as possible. Meaning, if you don't care, if you want to skip quest dialogue, don't care what's going on, and want to just get to the killing, then that's possible. If you want to slow down and really explore the story, you can do that too. So we're not forcing you to sit through anything.



How much new lore is being slate9 7 3 1 2 4 8 :

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