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Google Chrome发布

    Google Chrome(谷歌浏览器)是由Google开发的一款可让您更快速、轻松且安全地使用网络的浏览器,它的设计超级简洁,使用起来更加方便.Google Chrome的特点是简洁、快速.Google Chrome支持多标签浏览,每个标签页面都在独立的“沙箱”内运行,在提高安全性的同时,一个标签页面的崩溃也不会导致其他标签页面被关闭.此 外,Google Chrome基于更强大的JavaScript V8引擎,这是当前Web浏览器所无法实现的.

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  • [ r10178 ]This CL fixes issue 6099 -- bad display of multi-line English message in pop ups. (Issue:  6099 )
  • [ r10197 ]Add support to ProxyService for downloading a PAC script on behalf of the ProxyResolver. A ProxyResolver can select this new behavior by subclassing ProxyResolver with |does_fetch = false|. A consequence of this change is that proxy resolve requests are maintained in a queue by ProxyService (rather than implicitly in a queue on the PAC thread's message loop). This simplifies cancellation.This solves issue 7461, and is work-in-progress towards {2764, 74}BUG=7461 (Issue:  7461 )
  • [ r10201 ]Fix a crash when dns prefetching was being shut down without being started. (Issue:  7900 )
  • [ r10206 ]I'm expanding this to fix a couple of bugs in determining the file name for (Issue:  7023 )
  • [ r10211 ]Discard crash data during first run of a new version.
  • [ r10214 ]Fullscreen mode UI. (Issue:  534 )
  • [ r10228 ]Multiple fixes for broken Linux SHARED=1 build. This gets things building, but the resulting 'chrome' binary crashes on start-up (test_shell seems to work better).
  • [ r10230 ]Disabling tests that are failing. (Issue:  7983 )
  • [ r10231 ]The find bar should be owned and managed from the BrowserView, not the WebContentsView, since it's part of the "chrome". (Issue: 3245 )
  • [ r10240 ]Update French dictionary files. (Issue:  7745 )
  • [ r10241 ]Tenative fix to see if the reliability crashes go away. (Issue:  7951 )
  • [ r10244 ]Make sure filter buffer is flushed after it fills its output quota (Issue:  7985 )
  • [ r10245 ]Have tld_cleanup generate a .cc file that contains the effective (Issue:  6076 )
  • [ r10246 ]Make download manager treat mixed-case extensions the same as lower-case extensions when judging whether a file is executable. (Issue: 7455 )
  • [ r10250 ]Add v8 as dependency of net. (Issue:  2764 )
  • [ r10252 ]Adds a method to sort the elements of a vector by invoking a method on (Issue:  1750 )
  • [ r10253 ]Add a check for empty handle in V8Proxy::GetSourceLineNumber() (Issue:  7912 )
  • [ r10268 ]Attempt at fixing flakeyness when running session restore ui tests in (Issue:  6495 )
  • [ r10273 ]Taking out unfinished code. I don't understand what role these functions play, and I put in quickly-ported Windows code. It crashes, so I'm taking it out until I can properly write it.
  • [ r10284 ]Updated Polish dictionary from http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pl-dict. (Issue:  7745 )
  • [ r10291 ]Clean up WebKit resources after starting a download. (Issue:  6531 )
  • [ r10294 ]Fixing 8010: Missing options from Options dlg. (Issue:  8010 )
  • [ r10298 ]Keeping track of whether WebKit is in the callstack using RenderThread doesn't work when there are Send calls to plugins (i.e. Gears). So instead, just use PostNonNestableTask to delete RenderWidget. I (Issue:  7951 )
  • [ r10306 ]Final step in converting all grit includes to have grit in the path. (Issue:  7537 )
  • [ r10308 ]We allow Flash to popup windows in response to user gesture messages like WM_LBUTTONUP, etc. However (Issue:  7850 )
  • [ r10313 ]Adds ability to sort the children of a node in the bookmark model. I (Issue:  1750 )
  • [ r10316 ]This make accelerators work in interstitial pages. (Issue:  7056 )
  • [ r10324 ]Add a new message id IDS_LOGIN_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_NO_REALM, (Issues:  6567 6824 )
  • [ r10325 ]Adds some debugging code in hopes of figuring out who is removing the (Issue:  7857 )
  • [ r10327 ]A few layout tests are no longer crashing.
  • [ r10328 ]An experimental fix for Issue 7707. (Issue:  7707 )
  • [ r10337 ]Fix system menu positioning a bit. In Aero glass, the maximized mode menu was going offscreen by one pixel, causing Windows to reposition it strangely. In both frames, the vertical offset below the tabstrip needed a bit of tweaking. (Issue:  7927 )
  • [ r10338 ]Allow JS Debugger shortcut to work in fullscreen mode, since there's no reason not to. (Issue:  8023 )
  • [ r10341 ]Make non-glass popups match new mockup from Glen. (Issue:  7569 )
  • [ r10347 ]Disable ThirtyFoudTabs test as it is failing consitently now on all buildbots. (Issue:  5668 )
  • [ r10357 ]Remove code that adds "Url Protocol" key to registry entry (Issue:  5825 )
  • [ r10359 ]Force the browser to restored mode before going fullscreen, since Windows doesn't seem to want to hide the taskbar for maximized windows regardless of their dimensions. (Issue:  7997 )
  • [ r10366 ]Fix all places where we used the GetWinVersion function (Issue:  7802 )
  • [ r10371 ]Defer LayoutTests/fast/dom/cssTarget-crash.html since it's failing upstream.
  • [ r10372 ]Update animations in fullscreen mode to prevent stuck throbbers. (Issue:  8031 )
  • [ r10381 ]Avoid race crash: Don't drop reference to URL fetcher until data is extracted (Issue:  7693 )
  • [ r10382 ]Set pan cursor hotspots to center (Issue:  6173 )
  • [ r10384 ]This CL causes the autofill popup to hide when the browser window is moved or resized. (Issue:  7401 )
  • [ r10385 ]Revert "Disabling tests that are failing." (Issue:  7983 )
  • [ r10393 ]The autocomplete popup was shown relative to the main frame, causing it to be displayed in the wrong place when shown in a sub-frame. (Issue:  8072 )
  • [ r10397 ]Handle keys like alt-f4 when focus has been cleared by making sure we don't eat them when no view wants to process them. (Issue:  8035 )
  • [ r10400 ]When restoring a session, the browser is shown after a tab is selected causing the focus to be on the location bar (not tab contents for web pages). (Issue:  6000 )
  • [ r10408 ]Don't accept the url "file:///" on windows (report an error). (Issue:  1474 )
  • [ r10413 ]We can get into a state where the automation framework sends a search string, which ends up in a handler in the FindBarView that has already been destroyed, causing a crash.
  • [ r10414 ]We can get into a state where the automation framework presses the Close button in the Find box after the tab has been destroyed. This causes the Find box to act on a NULL web_contents_ pointer.
  • [ r10430 ]Add an identity (id) to system drag & drop. (Issue:  7995 )
  • [ r10431 ]Fix fullscreen mode opacity issues on Aero glass. We need to not extend the glass into the client area at all in fullscreen mode or text over it becomes semitransparent. (Issue:  8066 )
  • [ r10432 ]Hide profiles behind a command-line switch since the user-data-dir stuff (Issue:  7987 )
  • [ r10435 ]Implements a method to enable/disable the "Remove All" button (Issue:  7228 )
  • [ r10441 ]Make IPC::Logging register to watch for message loop destruction. (Issue:  8029 )
  • [ r10444 ]Add a test case to be sure that InstallerUtil::IsOSSupported returns (Issue:  7735 )
  • [ r10447 ]Lands the patch for WebKit bug 24171 locally, and rebaselines the necessary layout tests. (Issue:  24171 )
  • [ r10456 ]Fixes Issue 7377: Regression: Omnibox trims URL ending with 0x85 (Issue:  7377 )
  • [ r10467 ]Try a new approach to fixing IAT unpatch crashes when the DLL is gone. (Issue:  7701 )
  • [ r10471 ]Remove zombie hunting on startup. (Issue:  6468 )
  • [ r10473 ]Add the IDC_GO mapping for the go button widget.
  • [ r10475 ]Disabling ThirtyFourTabs test. (Issue:  8119 )
  • [ r10476 ]Do not map virtual keycodes (VK_0 - VK_9) to characters when accelerators in the UI. (Issues:  8043 7444 )
  • [ r10477 ]Adds ability for tree model to reorder its children. I'm going to use (Issue:  1750 )
  • [ r10485 ]Prevent the display of the resize corner bitmap on top of the download shelf when the browser window is maximized. (Issue:  8025 )
  • [ r10488 ]Relanding the following: (Issue:  6000 )
  • [ r10489 ]Fixing crash in StartFinding (2nd attempt). (Issue:  8048 )
  • [ r10490 ]Fix 8063: Find-in-page remains open on History/Downloads page. (Issue:  8063 )
  • [ r10491 ]Update tests_fixable.txt to match current buildbot results for Linux and Win. Adds a crash regression from the latest merge for Linux.
  • [ r10497 ]Hook up inspector highlighting again. This time we use (Issue:  5178 )
  • [ r10499 ]Fix incorrect map usage in the WebPluginImpl::didReceiveData function, which caused (Issue:  7916 )
  • [ r10500 ]Revert change made in http://codereview.chromium.org/10925. (Issue:  2569 )
  • [ r10502 ]Makes it so windows opened from links in Windows Live Messenger cause the window to appear instead of being invisible. (Issue:  3126 )
  • [ r10504 ]This CL addresses several issues with focus in application mode: (Issues:  6046 8124 8126 )
  • [ r10505 ]Attempting backout of r10495 due to ui_tests:
  • [ r10519 ]fix the grd scanner to only include files that we're using (Issue:  8139 )
  • [ r10526 ]Add some missing files to net.gyp. (Issue:  2764 )
  • [ r10530 ]Fixes regression where bookmark bar would appear all black. Actually, (Issue:  7922 )
  • [ r10551 ]Http cache: When adding a transaction to a cache entry, (Issue:  4731 )
  • [ r10555 ]Use xdg_user_dir_lookup to lookup directories. (Issue:  27186 )
  • [ r10558 ]Bringing the Task Manager to the front shouldn't cause it to lose topmost status. (Issue:  7227 )
  • [ r10565 ]An attempt at fixing a crasher reported from the field. (Issue:  5549 )
  • [ r10566 ]Not DefProc'ing the NCActivate seems to cause the process not to be shown as activate when originally shown. (Issue:  4513 )
  • [ r10568 ]We don't support beeing scrolled in two dimensions at a time. (Issue:  5873 )
  • [ r10571 ]Fix crash that happens when the damaged rect is bigger than the HDC we get for painting a windowless plugin. (Issue:  6317 )
  • [ r10583 ]Now we sort encoding menu according to current application locale, we also (Issue:  8084 )
  • [ r10585 ]Issue 7318: Popup Titlebar Appears Under Windows Taskbar (Issue:  7318 )
  • [ r10586 ]A fix for Issue 4400 (or maybe 4222). (Issue:  4400 )
  • [ r10595 ]Don't let an active network attacker play tricks with CONNECT tunnels throgh proxy servers. (Issue:  0 顶一下    

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