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   Jagged graphics: gameplay and cinematics


   I think we may say that some (if not most) of us are a bit worried about the quality of the video we see in gameplay teasers for all classes so far. In term of graphics, sure, a hell of great work has been done, with explosions, orbs, new skills, overall a terrific visual. But....at same time we see quality, we see the lack of it, in terms of 'final art'. If you zoom close enough, you start to see jagged pieces and jagged borders in all scenes, like there was no Anti-Aliasing on video effects. This brings up a real issue, because with today's video boards, like Gforce 9k family or above, is not a hard work for them to deal with high quality and at same time performance. Most computers, specially in case of gamers, have now more memory ammount than most computers had in terms of HD ammount, about 10 years ago. My video board has 1 GB of memory alone.

   So my question for blizz blueish boys, in this case, Bashiok, since he's the only one around D3 Forums - and i wonder why only 1 person for this forum project : it's because this is not a very important project right now (since this project has what, 4 years and counting, so blizz has focus in more demanding new project(s))? Or it's too soon to put more ppl available to D3 forums? Anyways, Bashioks has done a great job - so, my question is if the game, when lauched, will have options for very high quality graphics for those who had invested a couple thousand bucks in high-end hardwares? Or the jagged quality, which we can sadly see EVEN in cinematics for the classes (see monk's video and say if i'm wrong), will appear on gameplay, no matter how high the video effects and resolution are set?

   Will ingame cinematics (between Acts) have the same quality of those cinematics we have seen so far, or will have the quality we see in WoW's cinematic videos (which are wayyyyyyy better, no discussion here - they are amazing, for sure) ????

   Thanks for any info in this matter.


   We don't have anti-aliasing in the game yet. We only use DX9 at the moment and some of the visual effects we employ don't allow for anti-aliasing to be used at the same time. There are many solutions, we haven't decided on what course of action we'll be taking.

   I think you're confusing in-game 'machinima'-style videos with pre-rendered cinematics. The Monk and Wizard announcement videos were made using in-game assets, models, and animations. Mostly shot using camera views and close-ups that the game was never designed for. The WWI announcement cinematic is obviously of a different quality. But the fact that they're even confused for one another is a big compliment for the team that creates the in-game promotional videos. They do an incredible job.

   But yes, the game will include pre-rendered cinematics. And obviously they will be amazing.

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