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Vista和Windows 7中空格键的妙用

    与Windows XP相比,Vista在启动选项的开启上也略有不同。在XP中,用户必须通过按F8的方式来打来启动选项,而在Vista中,这一方法依然有效,但同时,用户也可以通过按空格键的方式来达到同样的效果。另外,作为Vista的继任者,Windows 7也将继承这一传统,在BIOS加载完毕后轻按空格键即可呼出Windows 启动管理器。

    “在Windows Vista或Windows Server 2008中除了按F8外,还有一些其他的方法可以用来打开启动选项。下次重启时,你可以试试在BIOS加载完毕后,Windows启动画面出现前按下空格键。如果你正好在那时按下了空格键,Windows启动管理器就会出现了。此时,用户可以任意选择OS,或者按下F8打开还原菜单等等。”

    当然,在Windows 7中,当用户按下F8时,系统还原菜单就会出现。同时,还会有F10按键供用户打开启动参数编辑器。不过,参数管理器只是暂时性的,更多的选项还要借助于msconfig。

    “这种方法也可以用在Vista或Server 2008的安装光盘上。就在系统提示“按任意键从CD/DVD启动”时,轻按2、3下空格键,此时,Windows启动管理器将再次出现,同时,列表中也会出现Windows安装选项。"




    One of the small details introduced in Windows Vista in comparison to Windows XP is the access method to the boot options associated with the operating system. In XP the users had to press F8 during startup in order to come across the boot options at their disposal. When it comes down to Windows Vista, this continues to be valid, however, now users can also hit the Space Bar. Moreover, Windows 7, Vista's successor, has inherited the same behavior, and pressing the Space Bar after the BIOS stops loading will deliver the Windows Boot Manager.

    “In Windows Vista or Server 2008 you now have an alternative and more options than just pressing F8 while booting. Next time you restart your system, right after the BIOS POST screen and just before you see the Windows boot screen, try pressing the space bar. If you timed it right or hit the space bar enough, you'll now be at the Windows Boot Manager. You can select which OS you'd like to boot, or you can hit F8 for the normal recovery options you'd expect to see,” revealed a member of the Microsoft Global Escalation Services.

    Of course that in Windows 7, hitting F8 during startup will take the users straight to the recovery options. Pressing startup, instead, will deliver the Windows Boot Manager, with the same options as for Windows Vista. Naturally, there is also the F10 key, which is designed to take the user to the Edit Boot Parameters. A simple solution for managing boot settings, the Edit Boot Parameters are also just a temporary configuration. In this regard, msconfig offers a more permanent solution.

    “This can also be used when booting to a Vista or Server 2008 setup disc. Right after the system prompts you to 'Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.' Hit the space bar two or three times. You should get the Windows Boot Manager again, and the list should show Windo9 7 3 1 2 4 8 :

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