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Ubuntu 6.10不再免费提供CD


  期待已久的Ubuntu 6.10與昨天閃亮登場,各位Ubuntu愛好者如想免費索取CDs,可能會失望了:

  Ubuntu 6.10將不再提供免費的CDs,請看官方說明:

Requesting free CDs from ShipIt
There are now two versions of Ubuntu available. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is the long-term supported version that provides 3 years of support on the desktop and 5 years of support on the server. Additionally, there are newer versions of Ubuntu that may provide more advanced features but do not include long-term support.

ShipIt remains committed to providing free CDs of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. You can request these CDs here. Please note that these CDs will NOT be the latest version of Ubuntu, they are Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, also known as "Dapper Drake."

If you would like to install the newest version of Ubuntu you should instead choose one of the options below.


How to Get Ubuntu
You now have two choices when downloading Ubuntu. You can use the newest version of Ubuntu to benefit from the latest features and technologies, or you can choose Ubuntu LTS, the long-term supported version of Ubuntu.

I want the newest Ubuntu
Ubuntu 6.10
Download a copy of the CD now
Buy a CD or DVD
(note: You can request free cds of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, the older Ubuntu product available with long-term support)
I want Ubuntu with long-term support
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Download a copy of the CD now
Buy a CD or DVD
Request free CDs




本文来源:cnbeta 作者:佚名

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