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版本路由器恢复没有提供tftpdnld命令,只提供了XMODEM 命令,使用方法与Cisco 2600系列相同。为了加快修复的速度,需要配置路由器Console口和超级终端软件的传输速率。
    rommon 2 > confreg
    do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: y
    enable "diagnostic mode"? y/n [n]: n
    enable "use net in IP bcast address"? y/n [n]: n
    disable "load rom after netboot fails"? y/n [n]: n
    enable "use all zero broadcast"? y/n [n]: n
    enable "break/abort has effect"? y/n [n]: n
    enable "ignore system config info"? y/n [n]: n
    change console baud rate? y/n [n]: y
    enter rate: 0 = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400
    4 = 19200, 5 = 38400, 6 = 57600, 7 = 115200 [7]: 7
    change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]: y
    enter to boot:
    0 = ROM Monitor
    1 = the boot helper image
    2-15 = boot system
    [0]: 0
    Configuration Summary
    enabled are:
    load rom after netboot fails
    console baud: 115200
    boot: the ROM Monitor
    do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: n
    You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
    rommom 2 > reset
  在enter rate:部分,需要选择7,用最大的115200速率的XMODEM传输。在输入reset命令之前,需要重新定义串口传输速度,如图所示,将超级终端里设置速率为115 200,否则会出现乱码。


图6-10  设置最大传输速率 

    rommon 1>
    rommon 1> XMODEM -r
    Do not start the sending program yet...
    Invoke this application only for disaster recovery.
    Do you wish to continue? y/n [n]: y
    Ready to receive file ...
  当传输完毕后,重新启动路由后开始使用被恢复的IOS。此时,需要再次启动路由器,将传输速度恢复到默认状态,即在enter rate: 部分选择0,即9 600的传输速度。

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本文来源:天下网吧 作者:网吧方案
