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[作者:中国IT实验室收集整… 来源:不详 时间:2012-11-15我来说两句

  Define an Enable Password for System Operators Examples
  In the following example, you define an enable password for privilege level 10 for system operators and make clear and debug commands available to anyone with that privilege lEVEl enabled.
  enable password lEVEl 10 pswd10
  privilege exec lEVEl 10 clear line
  privilege exec lEVEl 10 debug ppp chap
  privilege exec lEVEl 10 debug ppp error
  privilege exec lEVEl 10 debug ppp negotiation
  The following example lowers the privilege level of the show running-config command and most configuration commands to operator level so that the configuration can be vIEwed by an operator. It leaves the privilege level of the configure command at 15. Individual configuration commands are displayed in the show running-config output only if the privilege level for a command has been lowered to 10. Users are allowed to see only those commands that have a privilege level less than or equal to their current privilege lEVEl.
  enable password lEVEl 15 pswd15
  privilege exec lEVEl 15 configure
  enable password lEVEl 10 pswd10
  privilege exec lEVEl 10 show running-config
  Disable a Privilege LEVEl Example
  In the following example, the show ip route command is set to privilege level 15. To keep all show ip and show commands from also being set to privilege level 15, these commands are specifIEd to be privilege lEVEl 1.
  privilege exec lEVEl 15 show ip route
  privilege exec lEVEl 1 show ip
  privilege exec lEVEl 1 show
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