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我们可以用微软提供的Log Parser 2.2(点击进入微软官方页面),它能在相应的系统上解析各自支持的格式,解析命令为:

logparser -i:EVT "SELECT * INTO a.csv FROM b.evt"

但如果在Vista、Windows Server 2008、Windows7及之后系统上解析.evt格式日志可能会提示事件日志崩溃,这时需要将.evt格式转换为.evtx格式,幸运的是Vista及之后的系统提供了Wevtutil-Windows Events Command Line Utility这个工具!

运行命令:wevtutil epl application.evt application.evtx /lf:true 就能转化。

wevtutil 在系统里面的提示都是英文,:

Windows Events Command Line Utility.

Enables you to retrieve information about event logs and publishers, install
and uninstall event manifests, run queries, and export, archive, and clear logs.


You can use either the short (for example, ep /uni) or long (for example,
enum-publishers /unicode) version of the command and option names. Commands,
options and option values are not case-sensitive.

Variables are noted in all upper-case.



el | enum-logs          List log names.
gl | get-log            Get log configuration information.
sl | set-log            Modify configuration of a log.
ep | enum-publishers    List event publishers.
gp | get-publisher      Get publisher configuration information.
im | install-manifest   Install event publishers and logs from manifest.
um | uninstall-manifest Uninstall event publishers and logs from manifest.
qe | query-events       Query events from a log or log file.
gli | get-log-info      Get log status information.
epl | export-log        Export a log.
al | archive-log        Archive an exported log.
cl | clear-log          Clear a log.

Common options:

/{r | remote}:VALUE
If specified, run the command on a remote computer. VALUE is the remote computer
name. Options /im and /um do not support remote operations.

/{u | username}:VALUE
Specify a different user to log on to the remote computer. VALUE is a user name
in the form domain\user or user. Only applicable when option /r is specified.

/{p | password}:VALUE
Password for the specified user. If not specified, or if VALUE is "*", the user
will be prompted to enter a password. Only applicable when the /u option is

/{a | authentication}:[Default|Negotiate|Kerberos|NTLM]
Authentication type for connecting to remote computer. The default is Negotiate.

/{uni | unicode}:[true|false]
Display output in Unicode. If true, then output is in Unicode.

To learn more about a specific command, type the following:

wevtutil COMMAND /? 


本文来源:软媒 - 笨笨 作者:软媒 - 笨笨

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