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juniper ISG2000 CPU 使用率过高的排查方法

42: 37

    41: 38    40: 37    39: 36    38: 38   37: 39    36: 37

    35: 38    34: 37    33: 35    32: 38    31: 37    30: 36

    29: 35    28: 34    27: 38    26: 43    25: 37    24: 37

    23: 36    22: 41    21: 39    20: 42    19: 41    18: 46

    17: 59*   16: 40    15: 38    14: 33    13: 39    12: 38

    11: 35    10: 34     9: 34     8: 38     7: 36     6: 34

    5: 34     4: 36     3: 39     2: 39     1: 39     0: 39

    Last 24 hours:

    23: 38    22: 23    21: 22    20: 26    19: 54*   18: 54*

    17: 50*   16: 29    15: 10    14: 9    13: 9    12: 9

    11: 9    10: 9     9: 9     8: 9     7: 10     6: 11

    5: 16     4: 46     3: 46     2: 55*    1:74**   0: 53*



    · A single asterisk * indicates the CPU is nearing a warning threshold.   It is marked when utilization is ≥ 50% & ≤ 70%.

    · Double asterisks ** indicates to the administrator that CPU is nearing a high level; the administrator should investigate the cause of why

本文来源:天下网吧 作者:网吧方案
