下载eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0:
eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0 安装包(适用于新手的安装向导)
eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0 压缩档(“绿色”,解压后直接使用。服务器列表、IPFilter、IP2C等组件需自己手动添加更新)
eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0 源代码(给程序员用)
eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0 Debugkit(给那些真正的开发人员debug用)
eMule Mephisto在eMule官方论坛的发布贴:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=130206
eMule Mephisto官方主页:http://mephisto.emule-web.de/
eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0主要更新内容有:
Hi EVEryone,
Just like ScarAngel it took a while to make a new Mephisto. NEVErtheless it is notable that this new version is not just a plain merge this time. I took some time to review and improve the code. In order to improve the performance of the upload I introduced some code originally written by SiRoB, whom I am very grateful to for writing this code. I hope this new code will allow sending more packets to single slots without disturbances.
Note that this release is still based on ScarAngel 4.0 and as such on my Xtreme 8.0 sources. zz_fly has released his Xtreme 8.1 but it holds very few additional improvements that did not make it into my 8.0 source edit, so it is really not a huge loss.
Another very notable thing is that I finally added an installer for Mephisto. So for all those of you who do not want to bother too much, you can just use that! Please check the changelog to see what I did in detail.
PS: If there are any people still around who would want to become reliable testers, please leave me a message!
Greets Stulle
eMule v0.50a Mephisto v3.0:
- 10.04.2011 -
based on eMule 0.50a ScarAngel 4.0 compiled with vs2010 SP1
Added: Dynamic Socket Buffering [SiRoB]
Added: Send Array Packet (may reduce upload perturbation, only used for UL, yet) [SiRoB]
Added: Display remaining upload time (estimation!) [Stulle]
Changed: Use minfragsize to calculate best amount to send to full slots [Stulle]
Changed: Min buffer threshold for CreateNextBlockRequest based on slot speed [SiRoB]
Changed: Allow buffering more than one additional block in CreateNextBlockRequest [Stulle]
Changed: (Xtreme) Check if upload should be ended frequently called twice [Stulle]
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