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死前再更新一次,Winamp 5.666新版下载

:死前再更新一次,Winamp 5.666新版下载

上个月AOL宣布了将于12月20日将关闭其音乐服务Winamp,包括Winamp.com网站以及Winamp Media播放器在内的产品,但是勤劳的开发者仍然称职着开发着最后的晚餐,这次也为上个5.666版本继续更新,迎来了Build 3516版本。


Winamp 5.666 Build 3516 更新日记:

[Winamp] upd_mode=1 ini only option for pledit Shift+E editor to not also add new files when updated to the ml (default value = 0)

[Winamp] no_video=1 support to winamp.ini for force disabling all video support/features/menus/prefs

[Winamp] Fallback to out_ds then out_wave if specified output plugin can't be found. If no out_ds/wave present then show error msg and abort playback

[Winamp] Fixed bad 'Find more languages' link in Prefs

[Winamp] Fixed classic songticker not updating back to the current title (for short titles, or with auto-scroll disabled)

[Winamp] Ignore "ELEVATECREATEPROCESS" and "#" values for the "running in admin mode" checks

[Winamp/ml_local/pmp] Disable the Update button on Edit Metadata dialog until any changes are made

Misc: General buffer init tweaks

Misc: A plethora of extra param checks & various crash fixes from crash reports

Misc: Various other tweaks/fixes/optimizations

Lang Pack updates: General cleanups for all lang packs (removed unused hash sections, accelerator tables, dead plugins & png resources)

Spanish & French: Fixed Accelerator tables (e.g. zxcvb keys not working) & drag+drop to Local Media views

Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Dutch, Romanian: Fixed Drag+drop from Explorer to Local Media views

German & Swedish: Fixed Drag+drop from Explorer to Local Media & PMP views

German, Japanese, Polish, Russian: General updates

Winamp 5.666 Build 3516官方下载:


支持Windows XP、Vista、Win7、Win8、Win8.1等系统平台,支持简体中文。

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