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一位铁杆诺粉给诺基亚写了首诗,来跟诺基亚告别。这位铁杆诺粉名叫Aniket Santani,下面是他带来的诗歌:

Since the time I loved the chimes,

My ears glued only to your voice.

Since the time I held you,

I have never even thought twice.

Since the time I saw the world through your eyes,

I trusted you more than my brain.

Since the time I got your vibes,

I never felt the same again.

For last 10 years or so,

You never let me alone.

You were there when I lost my way,

To Drive me through, to let me have my say.

You may have been adopted,

But you will always be my game.

You may have left us orphan,

But you will never have the blame!

You may have your own reasons,

But the loyal never cease the action.

You may have decided to stop running,

But the journeys matter not the destination.

And the journey has been the most beautiful,

The journey of Connecting People!!

Maybe, we have lost the Brand.

But, Nokia!! You will never lose this Fan!

End of an Era!!

过去十年,你从未抛下我(For last 10 years or so,You never let me alone),有多少人读到这句会有淡淡的惆怅,而时代的终结(End of an Era!!)则让多少诺粉感到伤感。


本文来源:IT之家 作者:软媒 - Laure

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