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免费虚拟机 VirtualBox 4.2.18 最新稳定版下载

:免费虚拟机 VirtualBox 4.2.18 最新稳定版下载

距离上次更新刚好一个月,VirtualBox又发布最新的稳定版,VirtualBox 4.2.18;依旧是集中修复大量bug,惯例的软件性能和稳定性提升。

VirtualBox三大特点:免费、小巧、多国语言(含中文)。VirtualBox可以在 Linux/Mac 和 Windows 主机中运行, 并支持在其中安装 Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista、Win7、Win8)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和 2.6)、OpenBSD 等系列的客户操作系统。


• VMM: properly handle NMIs on Linux hosts with X2APIC enabled

• VMM: fixed potential crashes with 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts (bug #11979)

• GUI / seamless: properly handle mouse wheel scroll events

• GUI, VBoxManage: when unregistering a VM, also unregister the hard disk images which are used exclusively (bug #10311)

• GUI: prevent crashes under certain conditions on X11 hosts

• 3D: multiscreen fixes (incorrect mouse position, flickers)

• 3D Support: several fixes for the Windows WDDM video driver (multiscreen, seamless)

• Snapshots: made live snapshots work again (bug #9255)

• Teleportation: made it work again (bug #9455)

• VBoxManage: on snapshot take, --pause is default and --live is for doing live snapshots

• VBoxSVC: don't crash on systems with many VLAN interfaces (Solaris hosts only)

• Network: after the host resumes from suspend, disconnect and reconnect the virtual network cables to force renewing the DHCP leases for the guests. So far only Mac OS X hosts and Windows hosts (bug #10063).

• NAT: on name server changes force a reconnect of the virtual network cable to notify the guest (Mac OS X hosts only)

• Mac OS X installer: keep previously installed Extension Packs on VirtualBox upgrade

• Linux hosts / guests: Linux 3.11 fixes (bug #12001)

• Solaris hosts: fixed a potential kernel panic caused due to unexpected preemption due to logging.

• Windows hosts: fixed an issue with USB2 devices being inaccessible when plugged into USB3 ports.

• Linux Additions: added PCI device identifier to vboxvideo.ko fixing DRI initialization under certain conditions (bug #11957)

• Linux Additions: fixed udev detection in the init script with Linux 3.x kernels

VirtualBox 4.2.18 下载:

• VirtualBox 4.2.18 for Windows hosts  x86/amd64 

• VirtualBox 4.2.18 for OS X hosts  x86/amd64 

• VirtualBox 4.2.18 for Linux hosts

VirtualBox 是含简体中文语言包的,不过安装的时候要特别注意,如果您登录Windows 的用户名是中文名,会导致软件无法正确安装,关于这个,软媒之前在Win7之家写过专门的文章,大家可以看下《Win7下安装VirtualBox,系统找不到指定的路径?》。

本文来源:IT之家 作者:软媒 - april one

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