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快讯:微软官方公布 Windows 8.1 全新功能(英)


Windows 8 has been a bold, necessary move towards mobility for the PC industry–pushing ourselves and our industry ahead with a touch-first approach that is redefining the PC as we know it, while offering the best of all worlds across any device at any time. Our commitment to that vision–and to always improving - remains the same as we stay the course of the evolution of Windows with Windows 8.1. We’ve been watching, we’ve been listening; Windows 8.1 will continue to build on what you love bringing the latest advancements in hardware, apps, cloud services and the OS to enable a unique experience in everything you do.

More to come. Thanks for reading.

Antoine Leblond,

Corporate Vice President, Windows Program Management

IT之家 • Windows 8.1 特别专题 - 《Windows Blue 惊艳现身》


本文来源:IT之家 作者:软媒 - april one

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