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诺基亚:只爱Windows Phone,拥抱安卓是误读

:诺基亚:只爱Windows Phone,拥抱安卓是误读

1月8日消息,诺基亚刚刚发表声明称,该公司仍将专注于Windows Phone,外界有关“诺基亚CEO暗示将推出Android手机”的报道属于翻译错误。

今天早些时候,西班牙《国家报》(El Pais)发表文章称,诺基亚CEO史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)昨天在接受该报采访时说:“在目前的生态系统大战中,Windows Phone是我们的武器。但我们一直在思考今后的走向,思考HTML5、Android等产品的作用。……HTML5能够让平台本身——无论是Android、Windows Phone或是其他系统——变得可有可无,但这一天仍然遥远。今天,我们仍将与微软精诚合作,但一切皆有可能。”英文原文如下:

In the current ecosystem wars we are using Windows Phone as our weapon. But we are always thinking about what's coming next, what will be the role of HTML 5, Android... HTML5 could make the platform itself—being Android, Windows Phone or any other—irrelevant in the future, but it's still too soon to tell. Today we are committed and satisfied with Microsoft, but anything is possible。




埃洛普:我的想法是:在当前的生态系统之争中,我们凭借Windows Phone参与竞争。这是我们正在做的。我们总是会问自己,未来将会怎样发展?下一步是什么?HTML5将扮演什么角色?Android或其他因素将扮演什么角色?我们将继续研究未来,但对于“我们将推出什么产品”,以及“目前的关注重点”的问题,答案是Windows Phone。


So, the way I think about it is, in the current war on ecosystems, we are fighting with Windows Phone. That’s what we’re doing. Now, what we’re always doing is asking, how does thatevolve? What’s next? What role does HTML5 play? What role does Android or other things play in the future? We’re looking further into the future, but it terms of what we’re bringing to market, and what we’re immediately focused on, we’re focused on Windows Phone。

本文来源:新浪科技 作者:彦飞

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