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相信 Nokia HK 于上周发布 Lumia 920 / 820 两款 WP8 手机后, 不少准买家都相当失望。除了见仁见智的定价问题外, 今次Lumia 920 连之前每款旗舰机款预购都会出现的预购礼品也落空, 实在叫不少忠实的 Nokia 支持者感到失望! 小编眼看越南、美国等地区的 Nokia 都有相当不错的礼品回赠支持者,所以就于昨晚决定为大家表达有关的声音并胆粗粗的把以下电邮寄给 Nokia CEO Stephen Elop。

其实小编当初觉得这封信应该会石沉大海且毫无回音, 但意外的事发生了! 在电邮寄出后大概三小时后,小编的电邮得到以下的回复:


Thanks for your note. I will share your concern with our team.



而且小编更发现该电邮同时被副本给 Nokia 亚太区销售及市场部资深总裁 Neil Gordon。心想这位CEO 真勤力,连星期天也会回复客户的电邮,而且还真的关心到用家的心声并传达给对应的部门跟进,已经让小编感到相当感动。

但更意外的事就在今天中午发生了,澳门的 Nokia 专门店来电通知小编早前预购的两部Lumia 920 都会免费得到价值588元的无线充电器作预购礼物! 而且澳门区所有首批预购的买家都会得到相同礼物!(不过该职员未有提及是否有配额问题) 小编未知以上安排跟昨晚的电邮有否其相连性,但澳门Nokia 专门店预购Lumia 920 送无线充电器是不争的事实, 不过香港方面会否作出相同的安排呢? 小编会再为大家跟进!

香港welovewp.hk小编 萊特 写给诺基亚埃洛普的邮件全文

Dear Mr. Elop,

Greetings from Hong Kong & Macau’s Nokia fans!

My name is Roid Ip, and I am currently working as a part-time editor for “We Love Windows Phone.HK" (a website sharing news and articles to Hong Kong & Macau’s Windows phone lovers). I am hereby representing the noise from Nokia fans of HK and Macau regions, so as to extend some sincere feedback regarding our purchasing experience of the new-released Windows Phone "Lumia 920″ .

Early in September, as we were thrilled by the amazing features of “Lumia 920″, a huge group of people here already paid close attention to it and expected for 920′s coming. Finally, after 2 months, Lumia 920 is announced to be in store for HK and Macau by early December. During these 2 months of anticipation, fans here kept reading articles of Lumia 920, and recognized that overseas fans who purchased 920 (in countries like US, Vietnam) would receive “wireless charger", “Monster purity headphone" etc. as pre- or post-order gifts. This generous arrangement was also exposed to HK & Macau fans, and that’s why we fans here also expected to be treated in similiar ways.

Nevertheless, when recently we did our pre-order for Lumia 920 in HK and Macau Nokia stores, we were informed that no gifts would be rewarded. Such disappointing arrangement did make us frustrated as we have been waiting 920 for so long, seeing other countries’ fans been enjoying it much earlier than we do, seeing they have more color choices than we do (we have only three choices: black, white, yellow), and seeing they would freely be rewarded with pre- or post-order gifts, unlike how we would be treated.

I have been using Nokia phones since 18 years old, and I have been experiencing models include 5210, 8210, 8250, 8310, 6210, E66, N8, Lumia 610, 710 and 800. All of them did impress me and my family, and that’s why at this moment, me, my wife, my parents and my parents-in-law are applying NokiaWindows Phones in our life. As a huge fan for Nokia products and an editor sharing Windows Phones’ news to Asian fans, I wish the above feedback could be useful to you. Please kindly take it for your consideration, and don’t forget in Hong Kong and Macau there are still a huge group of Nokia fans, who would highly appreciate if we could be treated fairly for buying Lumia 920, in the way how other countries’s fans have been treated.

Thank you for your ki

本文来源:welovewp.hk 作者:萊特

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