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设置当前Target 为空 可设

Set Active Architecture 为空 可设

设置当前sdk 为空 可设

设置Build配置 为空 可设

Set Active Executable 为空 可设

编辑项目设置 可设

编辑当前Target command+option+e

编辑当前可执行文件 command+option+x


Bulid Results command+shift+b

Bulid command+b

Build and Analyze command+shift+a

Build and Archive 可设

Build and Debug command+enter

Bulid and Run 断点关 command+r

Build and Debug 断点开 command+y

Clean command+shift+k

Clean All Targets 可设

下个Build警告或错误 command+=

前个Build警告或错误 command+shift+=

Compile command+k

Preprocess 可设

Show Assembly Code 可设

Touch 可设


注释 command+/

文件首行 command+上箭头

文件末 command+下箭头

行首 command+左箭头

行末 command+右箭头

上一单词 option+左箭头

下一单词 option+右箭头

上一拆分单词 control+左箭头

下一拆分单词 control+右箭头

中间显示光标位置 control+l

方法组列表 control+2

删除前一单词 option+delete

删除此行光标前所有内容 control+delete

跨行选取 command+option+鼠标拖动


Debug command+option+enter

Run 断点关 command+option+r

Debug 断点开 command+option+y

Run with Performance Tool (Shark) 可设

Stop command+shift+enter

Attach to Process (Process ID) 可设

Debugger command+option+y

Mini Debugger command+control+左斜上箭头(不知咋按)

Console command+shift+r

Clear Console command+option+control+r


断点 command+option+b

Expressions 可设

Global Variables 可设

Memory Browsers 可设

Shared Libraries 可设

=========Debugger Display===========

纵布局 可设

横布局 可设

Datatips 可设

Step Controls 可设

Source Only 可设

Source And Disassembly 可设

Disassembly 可设

========Variables View==============

User Data Formatters

Show Type Column

Print Description to Console

Print Roots to Console

Print Referers to Console

Watch Variable

View Value as





Unsigned Decimal



Edit Value

Edit Summary Format

View in Memory Browser

View in Window

View in Expressions Window


停用断点 command+control+\

停止objc例外 可设

=======Manage Brakpoints===========

当前行插入断点 command+\

Add Symbolic Breakpoint 可设

Add C++ Exception Breakpoint 可设

启用当前行断点 command+option+\

导入断点 可设

导出断点 可设


Fix 可设

Pause command+option+p

Step Into command+shift+i

Step Into Instruction command+option+shift+i

Step Over command+shift+o

Setp Over Instruction command+option+shift+o

Setp Out command+shift+t

Next Thread command+option+control+上箭头

Previous Thread command+option+control+下箭头

Sync with Debugger 可设

Stop on Debugger()/DebugStr() 可设

Enable Guard Malloc 可设


===========Class Model============

Quick Model

Go to Declaration

Go to Definition

Go to Documentation

Add Comment

===========Data Model============


Add Model Version

本文来源:IT之家 作者:软媒 - HaLu

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