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(图:1 刺客信条II)


  Ubisoft is featuring a 48-hour promotion on its Assassin's Creed II: Multiplayer for iPhone. Now available completely free of charge, the title is compatible with all iPhone and iPod touch models, and requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later. Fans of the Assassin’s Creed franchise are encouraged to hurry up and grab it while it’s still free!

  育碧针对iphone用户展开48小时刺客信条II促进活动。现在完全免费!所有(和刺客信条II)兼容,I持有iphone或者ipod touch的用户,并要求iPhone OS 3.0或更高版本。免费的哦,刺客信条系列爱好者赶紧抓住它吧!

  The famous game studio proceeds with listing the gameplay features, although someone at Apple was careful enough to format the text so that you'd be completely confused. So, we’ll break them down for you. Here are the key elements that make up Assassin's Creed II: Multiplayer for iPhone and iPod touch, as posted by Ubisoft itself:

  (该游戏)由著名的上市游戏工作室育碧自行发布。显然,有用户在使用苹果(产品)的时候不够细心,不小心将文本格式化,把自己都混淆了,因此,我们特意为您将其分解。这些是构成iPhone和iPod touch多人游戏刺客信条II的关键要素。

  LIVE MULTIPLAYER ACTION - Assassin’s Creed II: Multiplayer is a REAL-TIME ONLINE multiplayer game using a WI-FI connection letting you compete against up to 3 other player- controlled assassins.

  KILL OR GET KILLED - The ultimate goal of the game is to hunt down other players and assassinate them before they kill you.

  BLEND IN THE CROWD - Escape other players taking advantage of your environments & blending into the crowd of citizens.

  MULTIPLE ENVIRONMENTS - Play in 3 different environments from Assassin’s Creed II inspired by Italian cities from the Renaissance.

  LETHAL POWER-UPS - Use up to 6 different power-ups to get an edge over your opponents.

  BECOME THE MASTER ASSASSIN - Increase your notoriety by defeating other players, and fight your way up to the top to become the Master Assassin. The notoriety system uses a dynamic ranking system to position you on the leaderboards.

  ACHIEVEMENTS - Collect up to 24 achievements and post your records on Facebook.

  CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS - Manage your list of friends and send them live invitations to join your game sessions and find out who amongst you is THE best assassin.

  多人实时行动 - 刺客信条II:使用Wi - Fi无线连接的实时在线多人游戏,让你和高达3位的其位他玩家控制的刺客竞争。

  杀死或丧命 - 游戏的最终目标是追捕其他玩家,他们暗杀你之前杀死他们。

  混迹人群的佼佼者 - 融入到您周围人公民和其他玩家混合的人群中。

  多种环境 - 3种不同的环境,刺客信条II从文艺复兴时期的意大利城市找到灵感。

  杀伤力不间断电源 - 使用多达6个不同的电源以获得超过对手的优势。

  成为刺客好手- 击败其9 7 3 1 2 4 8 :

本文来源:华军软件园测评中心 作者:帕拉丁

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