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  Recently PvP was sepparated from usual play, and that is a greatthing!* Aside from Blizzard's motive, this gives the freedom to makeany kind of class in regard to resource system, and re-balance that forPvP while the player is in special duell games. All for the cause: agreat PvP experience for all classes, not all builds, withend-game(good) equip. I read that PvP is taken into consideration whiledeveloping Fury, still alot of skills are confirmed to useFury(bubble?). There is something like Enrage that grants 1 Fury butI'm confident the better skills will cost more then 1 Fury. Prettyharsh if that annoing WD casts his mana-expensive wall of zombies on urhead in an instant with no problem. I am sorry if I jump toconclusions, but for me this justifies my wall of letters. Balancingwill anytime be the main problem, so i wish Blizzard all the best ;-)

  Bashiok: Well there are skills that generate fury, as was said, and there areskills that don't require any to be used. It's not going to be asituation where you get into a game and have to lumber around usingyour normal attack until you have enough fury to actually start dealingreal damage. That wouldn't be very fun, and we don't like things thataren't fun.


本文来源:互联网 作者:佚名

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