a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta介绍
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta是一款来自欧洲Emsi Software公司的一款免费安全软件,可以检测隐藏于计算机中的恶意程序的软件。它的界面简洁清爽,操作容易,而且还可以随时通过在线更新最新的恶意软件资料,不怕被新出的恶意软件感染。
(图:2 a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta信息)
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta下载
a-squared MalAware官方:点此进入
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta界面
(图:3 a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta界面)
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta特点
(图:4 a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta特点)
Detects active Malware
Scans in less than 1 minute
Cloud and signature based
Only 1 mb download
不到1 MB的程序下载
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta官方描述
Here is the official description :
The basic idea behind MalAware was to create build the smallest possible (1 mb) and the fastest possible malware scanner (scan <1 min) that will only provide an indication of whether a PC is infected with malware or not.
MalAware的宗旨是创立尽可能小的(1 MB)和最快的恶意软件扫描(扫描“1分钟),将只提供了电脑是否存有恶意软件或有没有被感染的迹象。
However, it should still get the full Emsi Software technology with more than 3 million known nasties. Not an easy task - but our developers have found ways and means to meet these seemingly impossible combinable requirements. By combining a strongly limited version of the signature database of known malware paths with a cloud based scan of all active processes, MalAware achieves a similar accuracy as a-squared Anti-Malware.
尽管如此,它仍得到超过300万种Nasties在线软件技术支持,这不是一件容易的事 - 但我们的开发人员找到了方法和途径来满足这些看似不可能的组合要求。通过结合一个与基于扫描所有活动进程云已知的恶意软件签名数据库路径限制的版本,MalAware达到作为a-squared Anti-Malware类似的准确性。
If it detects that your PC is infected, the second step is to download the big a-squared Anti-Malware package, to remove the malware and protect the PC against new infections.
如果它检测到你的电脑被感染,第二步是下载a-squared Anti-Malware程序包,删除恶意软件,保护电脑免受新的感染。
License: Freeware Free
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