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传说中的战网2.0 超强功能及星际2封测CDKEY




  利用视频捕捉软件,我们就可以在BN的网站上以解说的视角来看视频,正如2008嘉年华上Blz为fans做的一样。上千场的D3/SC2比赛在一起,就像一场盛大的野餐聚会~在技术方面,Blz支持BT,他们用它来打补丁,提供下载。也可能,他们会利用该技术来改善服务器和带宽。           原文:     Taking Heed to Rumours
  There are some rumours circulating about Battle.net 2.0, and while some of these might be too far out there to even mention, a few are worth noting as they show what we should be prepared for in the new network version. One rumour state that the new Battle.net regime will be on new servers, and in no way related to the old network; Diablo II and Diablo III players would then not be able to chat over the ingame interface. The logical support for this rumour would be that Blizzard treat games in this manner; they support the game in the form it had at of release for a long time to make sure that everything works fine without bugs or major imbalances and then also make the next game better. WoW is the obvious exception, which get major content updates regularly. Diablo II got a large content patch after release, but for the most part, each game is treated in its own right.

    This would mean WarCraft II, Diablo, StarCraft, Diablo II and WarCraft III would not see the functionality such as broadcasted matches or Voice Chat mentioned in the previous article (Voice Chat could possibly be included anyway as it is more of a separate system to begin with). Regardless, we hope that this rumour is false.

    Another rumour posted by Diii.net tells of major changes to account security on Battle.net. A (voluntary) $6 key ring that gives you temporary password every 10 minutes that will prevent hackers from stealing your universal password, and they will use their experience from WoW to implement infra-software upgrades so they will completely disable duping and hacks. This rumour seems a lot more logical, and regardless whether the info actually came from Blizzard or not, the facts in it are probably true. The fact that the Blizzard Accounts
now can get one of those key chains is already an indicator!

Some More Confirmed Changes
    Bef9 7 3 1 2 3 4 4 8 :

本文来源:D3CN 作者:佚名

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